Healing Horses Therapeutic Center
It is our mission and our passion to bring people and horses together to promote emotional growth and learning and to help with a variety of emotional, behavioral, neurological and developmental health issues.
Direct Services
Culturally Competent Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is used to help with a variety of mental health issues. We put our clients and horses together with licensed therapists and horse specialists in an environment designed to promote healing, emotional growth, and learning.
Professional Development
EHI Training and Resource Center programs emphasize cultural competency, diversity, and inclusion training for therapists, students, and equine specialists. Some programs provide professionals with CEUs.
Culturally Competent Equine Psychotherapy Continuing Education CEC
We offer training, lectures, and approved National Association of Social Workers/Connecticut (NASW/CT) Continuing Education Credits throughout the year on compelling issues :
What is Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Youth Trauma and Youth Mentoring
Family Restoration and Support,
Cultural Competency, Diversity and Inclusion
Equine Non-Profit Program Development and Operations
Equine Wellness and Care
Our training is offered throughout the year to those in relative fields of work or study as well as volunteers in these fields.
Refer to our Calendar of Events for upcoming classes.